Sunday, February 29, 2004

Thankful For All These...

I am thankful for these:

A dad who always fear that I do not have enough to eat and cook lots of food whenever I am back
A mum who always have an encouragement for me in whatever I sought out to do
A wife who is strongly supportive of me in the things I do, not just in word but in deed as well and who is thrifty on herself
Brothers who always have time for a tea and small talk, sharing laughter daily
Sisters who are concern over my financial state when I have no job
Nieces who does well in exams
Neighbours who pause to wave and extend greetings

Drivers who park their cars indiscrimately, causing inconvenience to the residents of Tmn Billion, they help me to see what testimony really means and to realise how important it is for me to pay attention to these little areas in my life
Drivers who drive recklessly, they help me to develop patience and see why I should drive safely and carefully

I give thanks for all the people in my life, good and bad... they all leave impressions for me to develop my own..

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