Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rainy day.

It is a wet sunday here, somehow rainy morning creates some kind of a mixed feeling in me. On the one hand I feel nice and cool, a cup of piping hot coffee and a nice book or magazine, sink into my couch and just soak it all in. On the other hand, there is this strange sense of loss. Kind of like missing the warmth of the morning sun, the wagging tails of my dogs begging for the next flight of the 'lime' which they promptly race to retrieve.
Kind of hard to figure out which is better. Maybe the notion of something better, choice preference is flawed, just a simple matter of accepting seasons as they come and filling it with memories that would bring a smile in the distant future. Certainly simple but far from easy as our preprogrammed brains almost always sees negative in a neutral setting, seeing as black the absence of white, grey as tainted.
As I journey along, I realize that not all is in black and white, most times it is a matter of perception, shaped by our upbringing, experiences, our primordial instinct to survive, to be on top and not bottom, to be faster than the guy in the other car, never mind that he has a V12 under his hood while we push our less than adequate 4 cylinders to the limits. It seems to me this is written in our genetic code, hence the ability and sure certainty to self destruct.
Heh! This is what rainy mornings do to me, a pendulum of sorts, swinging left and back to right, albeit swinging wildly without gathering distance... Oh! My beloved Sun, where art thou? I long your bright light that brings warmth and clarity. Shine soon I beg thee.

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