Monday, April 09, 2012

Easter Sunday

Today is the day we remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior. Sad but I had a rather low key day, I mean I wasn't feeling the top of the world.
Took a walk this morning and the gentle cool breeze was pleasant and yet unable to lift my somewhat downtrodden spirit. I can't put a finger to it but the last two weeks or so had been filled with tragic news of sorts. Add to it uncertainties, activities and a sudden lost of direction, I feel tired. Not the nice physical tiredness that you would associate with the tough work of maintaining the overgrown weeds and thorns. It is more of a mental thing, spiritual? Who knows?
There is just too many things which I think should be better, a different way, approach, life is could be better. If only, if only...
Best part is after this session of meaningless ramblings, it is imperative I get back to work and continue this long and arduous journey.
Lord have mercy on me and all of us.

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