Friday, October 24, 2003

Yellow colored 'Hoong Mou Tan'

Good friend of mine pop in early this morning with a bag of Rambutans. Harvested from his very own rambutan trees, these are top grade fruits, sweet and juicy. The trouble he took on a deepavali morning made it special. I appreciate the effort Jem!
Maybe we should ask ourselves every morning before we start the day 'What good deed could I do today?' I think the world may be a better place to live in if everyone starts off the day by having the intent of doing something good for people.. especially those in power. We are placed in this world to serve while they are elected to serve... so far my perception of leaders in our land isn't so good. They mirror the feudalistic rulers of the past, only worst as in the past we may get one two kings who wants the best for their subjects. Our leaders now wants power, position , money.. loads of it and well worship and admiration.. sad huh? I'm not talking political positions but every aspect of society.. You figure it out. Why we even rush to heap loads of awards, rewards on those who achieve so little under the pretext of Malaysia Boleh but totally ignore the numerous who serve and speak out for the marginalized and downtrodden?

Next time you see a leader with integrity, wish him/her well and tell him/her to keep it up.. Chances are, you have to look real hard. If they are as numerous as hairy rambutans, this world would indeed be the perfect place to live in. Happy Deepavali! May we realise that The Light will dispell all darkness!

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