Saturday, November 01, 2003

A Better Place!

Reading all the negative aspects of living in Malaysia lately has cause me to feel rather down, on further examination of myself I found that I tend to take the easy way out by shifting all the blame to others. Some of the recent writings attributing blame to our ex-PM is one good example. Instead of considering what I can do or rather what we can do, we may take the easier route of simply blaming our leaders, the point is, it is we who have placed him in power, he is but one man, how is he to do everything? The problem is the entire system before us, the kind of leaders we have placed in government. The kind of people the system has nurtured, people who have little principles and vision of greatness. Might be better for us to consider how we could ignore the present generation and start from the basics, ground up, our children! Yes! I propose instituting change by raising up God Loving children, not just God fearing but God Loving ones.. We could start by imparting the right values to them while they are young, I propose the following for your consideration:

1. Teach them in the way they should live, don't take the easy way out by letting ASTRO do it.
2. Spend quality time with them, do not substitute that with gifts or money.
3. In their presence, talk to your spouse with mutual respect and kind words.
4. Exposed them to the less fortunate, instill compassion and love in them.

The list is endless, and Oh! one more.. Please teach them and let them tie their own shoe laces... stop getting your maids to do everything for them. They will grow up more independent and less spastic.. pardon me.

Rather then just writing about the negative, I'll start with some positive stuff we could do.. Looking in the mirror.. I say we pray!

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