Friday, November 07, 2003

Vet to the Rescue

Had to call in the vet today after seeing how a lesion has developed on the bottom left jaw of my male labrador Reno. Discovered a small red patch two days back and it doesn't look like it is going away so I had no choice but to call in the vet. Reno is a big, clumsy but obedient dog, Reno will never get into the car so the vet had to come to him.. After examination and some tissue sample for testing back at Pet's Ark, Reno received a jab, some disinfectant lotion, 40 antibiotic tablets, 8 anti inflammation pills, application cream and a bottle of medicated shampoo.. for his 'Hot Spot' a bacterial infection. Bill? A grand total of RM146! To top that my little Kimi, the silly beagle also received her inoculation jab and deworming pill, that cost me a further RM43. Spent RM189 today on my precious doggies. Medical care for pets are getting more expensive by the day.. Maybe those big pharmaceutical companies are aware how much our pets means to us so we end up with all these exorbitant bills. Just mere speculation here, I must add. In all fairness the vet had to put in many years in UPM to be able to work with animals...

Anyway, Reno had to be confined to his kennel while Bassey the alpha female Labrador and little Kimi gets to roam around the backyard. Reno looks sad but when he was asked to go in, he went in without as much as a whimper, tails wagging and all as he went into the kennel. That had always been his character, kind and obedient, great with the kids... Eats like a horse I might add. Bassey on the other hand is the extreme opposite, demanding and bossy, she is super intelligent, happy when she gets to go out, likes to stay close to you, sit next to you when she ought to be roaming around.. Kimi is well the typical beagle, turning upside down whenever she is touched, cute and lovable, she is the perfect company in the home. All three dogs had brought joy and untold happiness to both my wife and I. I am thankful to God for Reno, Bassey and Kimi. They are a blessing to us, they are able to reach out to us in a certain way that humans can't. For one they are very attentive when we need a listening ear, they don't try to interrupt, offer advice.. Best of all they could sit all day with you. You could tell from the look in their eyes that they understand every word we're saying... Thank God they can't talk though.. Then they will start behaving like humans!

Friends, the weekend is here again, let's take stock of our lives, Let us fix our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:2

Have a good weekend! God Bless and God Keep!

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