Saturday, March 20, 2004

The Old Man Said...

Was in a the state of Pahang yesterday, about two hour drive from KL. Was driving through a particular kampung with lots of BN flags, and buntings. One small route that I took was rendered unpassable due to some kampung folks cutting down some coconut trees, they were having a kenduri of some sort. I waited for them finish up so that I could pass, I notice an old man just at the side cutting the leaves off. I wound down my window to have a chat with him and inevitably he asked me who I thought was worthy of our votes, I did not dare to state outrightly my stand but did explain myself on the few issue which I thought was wrong and should be corrected, this was because he was wearing a BN t shirt, in a typical BN area, or so I thought. Well, he simply said this... "Kerajaan ini tak boleh pakai!" That's it! He further mentioned that though he is a member of the political party, he felt that there was something grossly wrong with the way things are done, the corruption, the way BN conduct its' campaign. In the kampung area they portray that they are more islamic, while in the chinese new village, they said that a vote for the opposition is a vote for islam. The road was cleared and I had to go, before parting, I couldn't resist but to ask him why was he still wearing the t shirt... well, his answer was simply this.. "dalam hati, dia orang tak tau!" He was going to vote with what he thought is best.

I believe in freedom
I believe in peace
I believe in transparency
I believe in religious freedom
I believe in development
I believe in prosperity
I believe in justice
I believe in stability
I believe in fairness
I believe in education
I believe in rule of law
That's why I WON'T be voting for the present people in control.

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