Friday, June 11, 2004

The Folly Of Silence.

This morning, I comtemplated the folly of silence.

Many of us prefer to stand by the sidelines and do the cheering when things are well and when things aren't so well, we resort to the boos and curses. The striking similiarity between a game and real life is our ability to walk away when it is over, or could we? The sad fact is we do not realise that life isn't a game that we can walk away from, our children and the future generations would have to suffer the consequences of our apathy, our choice to stand by the sidelines as mere spectators.

In this I judge myself as someone who prefers to keep quiet and mind my own business, I am at lost as to how I should conduct myself in the light of the fact that I am called to be a light on a hilltop, a beacon of hope, a walking, living temple of God, an ambassador of Christ. It is scary as I read of the exploits of Jesus and that of his followers. They were willing to risk it all to be that light that dispel darkness. Here I am, having a form of godliness but totally devoid of any power. I am far from worthy to be called a Christian, it is like I am stuck in this state of mind. Like a bird set free but choosing to remain in the cage, saved by grace and yet not walking by faith. I seriously think I need to rethink my entire life, flush the bugs, format and reinstall the OS, reboot the system and free it from the bugs, badly written programs and junk files left behind from the past. I do not have much time left to play in this world so it would be good for me to seek God in earnest, let his Holy Spirit fill me afresh, empower me to walk wisely, speak words of life and not remain silent while the world around me deteriorate... Father, have mercy on me..

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